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Fora Financial vs Reliant Funding: Head-to-head comparison

Looking to choose between Fora Financial and Reliant Funding? Our detailed comparison helps you make an informed decision.

Key Metrics Comparison

#1 Fora Financial

Factor Rate:1.10 - 1.40
Term:4 - 18 months
Funding:$5k - $1.5m

6+ months in business; $12k monthly revenue; 500+ credit score; No collateral required (UCC lien may be filed)

Additional Fees:

2.5% origination fee (waived if early payoff)

#4 Reliant Funding

Factor Rate:1.15 - 1.45
Term:2 - 24 months
Funding:$2k - $2m

1+ year in business; $15k monthly revenue; 525+ credit score

Additional Fees:

Origination fee (varies)

Fora Financial

MCA Rank:#1of 27


Provides "Revenue Advance" up to $1.4M with flexible repayment tied to sales. Offers early payoff discounts

Repayment Structure

Fixed % of daily or weekly receipts (no fixed term)

Reliant Funding

MCA Rank:#4of 27


No collateral or PG required. Early repayment can earn up to 10% discount

Repayment Structure

Daily or weekly ACH, or split from card sales

How We Rank MCA Providers

We evaluate each provider based on key factors that matter most to businesses seeking funding:

High Impact Factors

Factor Rates

Lower rates score significantly better. We look for competitive rates that minimize your total cost.

Maximum Funding

Higher funding limits score better, giving you more flexibility for larger investments.

Medium Impact Factors

Repayment Terms

Flexible terms and payment options improve scores. Platform-dependent providers receive penalties.


More lenient qualification criteria score better. We reward accessibility for newer businesses.

Additional Factors

Additional Fees

Fewer fees score better. When fee information isn't available, we assign a neutral score.

Funding Speed

Faster funding improves scores, with same-day and 24-hour funding scoring highest.

Important Notes

  • Providers requiring specific platforms (like Shopify or PayPal) receive significant penalties due to reduced flexibility.
  • When information about fees isn't available, we use a neutral score to ensure fair comparison.

Industry Context

In today's fast-paced business environment, merchant cash advances provide crucial working capital for growth and expansion.

Understanding the key differences between providers helps businesses make informed financing decisions.

Our Analysis

Our proprietary ranking system evaluates providers based on multiple key factors.

Consider your business's specific needs and growth plans when choosing a provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do factor rates affect total cost?

Factor rates directly determine your total repayment amount. For example, a factor rate of 1.2 means you will repay 120% of the advance amount. Lower factor rates result in lower total costs.

What makes a good repayment term?

The ideal repayment term should align with your business cash flow cycle and revenue patterns. Shorter terms often mean higher daily payments but lower total costs, while longer terms offer more manageable payments but may cost more overall.

How important are qualification requirements?

Qualification requirements indicate how accessible the funding is for your business. While stricter requirements often come with better rates, more lenient criteria can be valuable for newer businesses or those with challenging credit histories.

Should I consider additional fees?

Yes, additional fees can significantly impact the total cost of funding. Look for transparent fee structures and consider both the factor rate and any additional fees when comparing providers.

Expert Tips for Choosing an MCA Provider

What to Look For

  • Clear, transparent factor rates and fee structures
  • Flexible repayment terms that match your business cycle
  • Funding amounts that align with your needs
  • Reasonable qualification requirements

Watch Out For

  • Hidden fees or unclear cost structures
  • Inflexible repayment schedules
  • Excessive early repayment penalties
  • Aggressive sales tactics or pressure to decide quickly

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The information provided on is for general informational purposes only. We strive to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, but make no representations or warranties about the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the information.

Always consult with a financial professional before making any business financing decisions.

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